Heritage Fund Outcomes
There are a set of outcomes sought by the Heritage Fund in relation to the projects they support with grant funding. Archive Services engaged in Past Forward are fully aware of the detail surrounding these and equipped to support you in helping your project deliver them.
In summary these outcomes are:
A wider range of people
will be involved in heritage
There will be more people engaging with heritage and this audience will be more diverse than before your project.
People will have
developed skills
Individuals will have gained skills relevant to ensuring heritage is better looked after, managed, understood or shared.
Heritage will be
identified and better explained
There will be clearer explanations and/or new or improved ways to help people make sense of heritage.
Heritage will be
in better condition
There will be improvements to the physical state of your heritage.
People will have learnt about heritage,
leading to change in ideas and actions
Individuals will have developed their knowledge and understanding of heritage.
The local area will be
a better place to live, work or visit
Local residents will have a better quality of life and overall the area will be more attractive.
The funded organisation
will be more resilient
Your organisation will have greater capacity to withstand threats and to adapt to changing circumstances to give you a secure future.
People will have
greater well-being
Individuals will feel more connected to the people around them and/or the place where they live as a result of involvement in your project.
The local economy
will be boosted
There will be additional income for existing local businesses and/or there will be new businesses in your local area.