Film Archive Services Overview
Past Forward Plan, Deliver and Engage archive services are also provided by specialist film archives for those of you engaging in heritage projects involving film.
Guidance on undertaking initial research and using film archives to identify films for your heritage project. .
Guidance on the various ways you may wish to use archive film in your heritage project. The tech and licensing costs involved in using archive film within your project.
Guidance on licensing material and copyright clearance. What to consider should you wish to deposit material with film archives.

Using Film Archives:
Recommended Steps
The following is intended as a general guide and is based on practice at the regional East Anglian Film Archive and the History of Advertising Trust. Not all film archives operate in exactly the same way and there will be differences in what they offer.
Many film archives have websites allowing you to research online catalogues to identify material.
Contact the film archive you are interested in using.
Identify with the archive the material available.
Decide on what films you wish to use in your project subject to copyright clearance.
Decide on the use – online, exhibition, screenings.
Decide how long you wish to use the moving image material.
Check with the film archive about any costs for using the material. This will vary depending on your use but, typically, there may be a fee to supply the material (i.e. an access and/or license fee) and technical charges may apply for services such as digitisation.
If relevant to your project, you may want to consider asking if the film archive has the capacity to deliver other activities such as screenings, workshops, curator led events.
Decide what format you need for the films. Sometimes films can be edited into a compilation by the film archive.
Include the costs within your larger budget in your funding application.
Films are subject to copyright and, as the user, you will need to ensure that any rights are cleared for your intended use. The film archive will advise and may be able to clear copyright with rights holders and issue you with a licence agreement.
Consider offering a new film or film you have uncovered to a film archive. If your project results in the production of new films, you may also want to discuss depositing or donating them to the film archive.
Plan ahead and contact a film archive before submitting a funding application to check the costs with them. Details of public access film archives can be found via Film Archives UK.
Contact details for the History of Advertising Trust are on the Past Forward website. See ‘Contacts’ page.
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